The LDS (Licence in Dental Surgery) is awarded by the Royal College of Surgeons, England. The LDS tests the eligibility of the applicant to apply for registration with the GDC.
LDS consists of 3 parts - LDS PART-1, -2, -3
Conducted in two papers
both the papers are carried out for 3 hours each on a single day so overall applicant has to appear in the exam for 6 hours.
The questions are MCQ and EMCQ based.
the subjects covered in first paper are clinically applied dental science and clinically applied human disease.
the other paper includes clinical dentistry, law and ethics and health and safety.
The Part 2 exam of the LDS will be held over a two day period and consists of two sections:
objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) consisting of 12 stations, each of 7 minute duration;
the ‘unseen case’ exam - (based on an objective structured long examination – OSLE model) which is designed to test candidates’ diagnosis treatment planning and clinical reasoning. Consisting of four cases, approximately 30 minutes each.
The Part 3 exam of the LDS will be held over a one day period and consist of one section:
an 180-minute operative assessment on a dental manikin, designed to test your practical clinical dental skills.
These exams provide you the registration with GDC for clinical post of dentist but dont provide you employment or Visa to move to UK.
For LDS- Part -1, you have to apply online and after booking of examination slot, the documents are submitted online. This part can be given online from the comfort of home.
For LDS-Part-2, the applicant has to visit UK to appear for the exam and IELTS is one of the requirements which is to be completed before booking the slot for Part-2 (if not done earlier).